Khamis, 31 Julai 2014



New Game official port of RE-VOLT 2: MULTIPLAYER comes to Android bring numerous stages and modes with real-time competitions and global Grand Prix. Developed by WeGo Interactive, Re-Volt 2: Multiplayer brings the original PC and Dreamcast kart racer back to life with retina visuals, control methods tailored for touch devices and all the great gameplay that made the title such a fan favorite when it was originally released.

As you’ve probably seen in other multiplayer racing games out there, you can play RE-VOLT 2  with other players. You can play grand Prix Mode, which you have to compete with your friends and other players around the world. There is you can see the unique cars built by your friends and other players for even more realistic racing.

The multiplayer version of the RE-VOLT 2 game includes an exclusive challenge mode. You can play the game with a wide selection of fun single race games with clear various stages of the mission to win the cup. If you feel is racing difficult for you can choose the items to help your race. You can use the consumable items to make it easier and use power up to upgrade the weapons on your car.

There are various models of real-looking RC cars like formula cars, monster cars, sports cars, and trucks, if you are an RC maniacs this game is for you. You will enjoy the realistic touch of controlling an actual RC car.

- Requires: Android 2.3+
- File Name: 48MB (RE-VOLT 2 : MULTIPLAYER 1.0.5.apk)


Kaum Yahudi, Pasukan Utama Dajjal Penyala Api Peperangan

" Allah tidak menurunkan ke muka bumi - sejak penciptaan Adam as hingga hari Kiamat - fitnah yang lebih dahsyat dari fitnah Dajjal . " ( HR Thabrani 20 / 212 )

Bahkan di dalam hadis lain Nabi Muhammad shollallahu ' alaihi wa sallam mengatakan bahawa segenap fitnah atau ujian yang muncul silih berganti di dunia ini adalah dalam rangka menyambut kemunculan puncak fitnah , yakni fitnah Dajjal .

Dari Sahabat Hudzaifah radhiyallahu ' anhu , ia berkata : " Suatu ketika ihwal Dajjal disebutkan di hadapan Rasulullah saw kemudian beliau bersabda : " Sungguh fitnah yang terjadi di antara kalian lebih aku takuti dari fitnah Dajjal , dan tiada seseorang yang dapat selamat dari fitnah sebelum fitnah Dajjal melainkan akan selamat pula darinya ( Dajjal ) , dan tiada fitnah yang dibuat sejak adanya dunia ini - baik kecil ataupun besar - kecuali untuk fitnah Dajjal . " ( HR Ahmad 5 / 389 )

Berdasarkan hadis di atas bermakna situasi dan keadaan beberapa waktu menjelang munculnya Dajjal merupakan situasi dan keadaan yang sangat sarat fitnah . Saat itu sistem dunia tentunya penuh masalah kerana sudah mencapai kematangan tahap untuk menyambut kedatangan sang oknum biang masalah .

Dalam buknya , " Dajjal - the Anti - Christ " , Ahmad Thomson berpendapat bahawa dunia yang kita jalani saat ini berupa sebuah Sistem Dajjal di mana segenap lini kehidupan tunduk kepada nilai - nilai Dajjal dan bertentangan secara diameteral dengan Sistem Kenabian yang berlandaskan nilai - nilai Rabbani . Ia kemudian menulis " ... kita akan saksikan bahawa pengambilalihan sedang berjalan lancar , nampaknya saat kemunculan si Dajjal sudah sangat dekat . Alasannya sangat mudah : kerana sistem - sistem dan para pengurusnya , iaitu sistem kafir , iaitu sistem Dajjal , telah memperoleh kuasa yang cukup di seluruh dunia , sehingga begitu si Dajjal dikenali dan diakui , Dajjal boleh langsung dinobatkan sebagai pimpinan yang dinanti - nanti . "

Mengingat bahawa Dajjal merupakan puncak fitnah bermakna pelbagai fitnah yang mendahului kemunculannya tentu berkaitan erat dengan pihak yang memang menanti atau menyambut kedatangannya . Dan siapakah pihak yang paling banyak menabur fitnah sepanjang sejarah ? Perhatikanlah firman Allah subhaanahu wa ta'aala di bawah ini :

" Setiap mereka menyalakan api peperangan , Allah memadamkannya dan mereka berbuat kerosakan di muka bumi dan Allah tidak menyukai orang - orang yang membuat kerosakan . " ( QS Al - Maaidah 64 )

Ayat di atas berbicara mengenai bangsa Yahudi . Suatu bangsa yang digambarkan Allah suka menyalakan api peperangan . Mereka merupakan " aktor intelektual " di balik pelbagai peperangan besar dan kekacauan sepanjang zaman . Mereka merupakan biang provokasi di berbagai belahan bumi , baik di zaman dahulu maupun zaman moden . Sebagaimana mereka pula pihak di belakang usaha pembunuhan banyak Nabiyullah ' alihimus salaam . Sebahagian berjaya dan sebahagiannya gagal . Di antara yang gagal adalah percubaan pembunuhan Nabiyullah Isa Al - Masih ' alaihis salam dan Nabiyullah Muhammad shollallahu ' alaihi wa sallam .

" Sesungguhnya orang - orang yang kafir kepada ayat - ayat Allah dan membunuh para nabi yang memang tidak dibenarkan dan membunuh orang - orang yang menyuruh manusia berbuat adil , maka gembirakanlah mereka bahawa mereka akan menerima siksa yang pedih . Mereka itu adalah orang - orang yang lenyap ( pahala ) amal - amalnya di dunia dan akhirat , dan mereka sekali - kali tidak memperoleh penolong . " ( QS Ali Imran 21-22 )

Catatan hitam sejarah kejahatan dan topeng kaum Yahudi menyebabkan mereka pantas menjadi pihak yang paling menanti dan menyambut kedatangan Dajjal . Sehingga wajarlah bilamana Nabi Muhammad shollallahu ' alaihi wa sallam memberitahu kepada kita bahawa pada saat kemunculan Dajjal untuk menebar puncak fitnah dan kekacauan di muka bumi , maka kumpulan manusia yang bakal menjadi penyokong utamanya ialah bangsa Yahudi . Bahkan mereka akan menjadi askar - askar utama pasukan Dajjal .

" Dajjal akan keluar dari kampung Yahudiyyah kota Ashbahan bersama 70,000 orang yahudi yang mengenakan topi . " ( Ahmad 26 / 412 )

Dan mengingat bahawa umat Islam merupakan pihak yang sentiasa berjuang menegakkan kebenaran ma'ruf dan mencegah kebatilan mungkar , maka pantas bilamana Rasulullah Muhammad shollallahu ' alaihi wa sallam mengisyaratkan bahawa kedua entiti ini bakal berhadapan vis a vis . Satu pihak dipimpin oleh Al - Mahdi bersama Nabiyullah Isa Al - Masih ' alaihis salam dan satu pihak dipimpin oleh Dajjal . Bahkan dalam sebuah hadis disebutkan bahawa peristiwa berperangnya kedua pihak ahlul - haq versus ahlul - batil ini menjadi salah satu syarat atau tanda penting sebelum tibanya hari Kiamat kelak .

Dari Abu Hurairah , sesungguhnya Rasulullah shollallahu ' alaihi wa sallam bersabda : " Tidak akan terjadi Hari Kiamat sehingga kaum Muslimin memerangi kaum Yahudi sehingga Yahudi berlindung di balik batu & pohon lalu batu atau pohon bercakap " Hai Muslim , hai hamba Allah , ini Yahudi di belakangku , kemari , bunuhlah dia , " kecuali ghorqod sebab ia sungguh termasuk pohon orang Yahudi . " ( Muslim 4 / 140 )

Maka saudaraku , sudah tiba masanya kita umat Islam bersiap - siap menghadapi hari bertemunya dua pasukan tersebut . Hendaknya kita menyedari bahawa boleh jadi kemunculan puncak fitnah , yakni Dajjal , sudah sangat dekat . Di antara indikasinya Allah memberikan keleluasaan bagi kaum Yahudi , cikal bakal pasukan Dajjal , untuk bermaharajalela di muka bumi dewasa ini .

Belum pernah Allah izinkan mereka selama berpuluh abad mempunyai tatanan negara kecuali kebelakangan ini . Belum pernah dunia mengalami penembusan bahkan penaklukan oleh Yahudi sedahsyat seperti di zaman kita sekarang ini . Maka pantaslah bila sebahagian umat Islam bangga dan merasa tidak bersalah berkawan bahkan menjadikan kaum Yahudi sebagai pimpinan atas diri mereka . Yahudi sengaja mengaburkan isu sebenarnya soal Dajjal dari pemahaman umat Islam .

Rasulullah shollallahu ' alaihi wa sallam bersabda : " Dajjal tidak akan muncul sehingga manusia melupakannya dan para Imam meninggalkan untuk mengingatnya di atas mimbar - mimbar . " ( HR Ahmad 34 / 3 )

Oleh: Ustadz Ihsan Tanjung

*Sumber disalin dari

Path 4.0.2 APK

Path APK

Path 4.0.2 update adds support for Android Wear and fixes everything which want quite there with this app. Always wanted to share a lot of things on your social media but you're worry of the weirdos out there? Now with Path you get to share anything with just your friends. Just when you need private social media, this is the right apps. 

Path is social network which its combined Instagram, facebook, and twitter together. With Path you can share everything with your friends, you can post music, thoughts, check-ins, and high-quality photos and video to your Path timeline. They'll know when you're sleeping, they'll know when you're awake, they'll know if you've been good or bad.

Features with timeline search you can instantly revisit a lifetime of moments by searching for friend's names, place names, birthdays, cities, holidays, seasons, and weather. A really amazing social app that not only lets you weed out your "friends" in the world of Facebook and Twitter - down to the friends who really matter the most, but also filters a comment into expressive emoticons and symbols. You can use Path emotions to better express your feelings towards a friend's post on Path—frown, laugh, smile, gasp, or love.

Download Path APK
- Requires: Android 2.3+
- File Name: 17MB (Path 4.0.2.apk)

Path APK

GO Locker 3.07 APK

GO Locker APK

GO Launcher for android jumps to version 3.07 with fixing the freezing issue, improve performance and stability update. Published by Go Team, GO Launcher is excellent lock with many different backgrounds to choose from. If you are looking for cool wallpapers and locks for your phones, this app is for you.

Features with  a vast number of themes with plenty of unlocking styles, iPhone style, android style and other styles beyond your imagination, this app by far has been a great theme for your android phone or tablet. It's cool having all the options Go team threw with the app. When you want to switch your style not having to download a bunch of other lockers anymore.

Previous versions of GO Locker

GO Launcher is so much better than the regular lock screens for cellphones, it has a clean UI and it is very easy to use with quick access to frequently used apps at right time. It has a great selection of functional lock screens that look really cool. It even allows you to double lock your phone, because of your original home settings you can still work with. Just amazing, once you download it and your world of mobile will be difrent standard. Just you will fall in love with.

Download GO Locker APK
- Requires: Android 2.0+
- File Name: 6.5MB (GO Locker 3.07.apk)

GO Locker APK

Rabu, 30 Julai 2014

Cut the Rope 2 1.1.5 APK

Cut the Rope 2 APK

Cut the Rope 2 for Android just got an update to v1.1.5 with few new features, various bug fixes and improvements. Everything has been improved from animation to level design. Published by ZeptoLab, Cut the Rope 2 is a simple and amazing puzzle game. The gameplay brings fresh challenges and unanticipated obstacles to the candy crunching, physics-based phenomenon that has delighted millions of players around the world! If you like Cut the Rope, you’ll love Cut the Rope 2!

This is one of the best mobile games out there. The game is absolute a perfect to test your mind with the puzzles. With new characters, fresh gameplay elements, and, of course, Om Nom, candy collecting has never been so fun! Complete tricky missions to earn medals, advance in the game and access special levels. Play with your friends to see who can get the highest score, or tackle the puzzles on your own!

Cut the Rope game series:
- Cut the Rope: Time Travel APK
- Cut the Rope: Holiday Gift APK

Om Nom is the greatest frog he's just like Pac-Man but eating candy. You can watch Om Nom stories, and more characters are added. Definitely worth a try if you haven't downloaded it yet. Overall, Cut the Rope 2 is very good and original puzzle game with good cartoon graphics.

Download Cut the Rope 2 APK
- Requires: Android 2.3+
- File Name: 38MB (Cut the Rope 2 1.1.5.apk)

Cut the Rope 2 APK

MasyaAllah, Bayi Lahir Dari Rahim Ibu Meninggal Dunia Di Gaza

Bayi kepada ibu syahid Shayma Al-Sheikh Qanan

Ketika doktor menarik dengan lembut seorang bayi kecil dari rahim ibunya di sebuah bilik pembedahan, ibu bayi tersebut telah meninggal satu jam yang lalu. Ibu perempuan tersebut berusia 23 tahun bernama Shayma Al-Sheikh Qanan sedang hamil lapan bulan ketika kereta kebal penjajah zionis 'Israel' menembak rumahnya di pusat Bandar Gaza. Rumah Shayma hancur dan Shayma cedera parah. Suami Shayma, seorang wartawan radio tempatan juga cedera parah dalam serangan tersebut.

"Jenazah Shayma dibawa ke hospital setelah serangan 'Israel' pada awal pagi Jumaat," kata Doktor Fadi Al-Kharti bertugas di hospital Deir Al-Balah. "Kami cuba menyelamatkan nyawanya, tetapi dia meninggal dunia dalam perjalanan menuju ke hospital," kata Doktor Al-Kharti. 

Usaha menyelamat nyawa Shayma semakin sukar kerana dia telah terperangkap di bawah runtuhan rumahnya selama satu jam. 

"Kami menyedari terdapat gerakan di perutnya dan menganggarkan bahawa dia hamil 36 minggu," kata Doktor yang melakukan operasi caesar kecemasan untuk menyelamatkan sang bayi. Bayi yang lahir kemudian diberi nama Shayma juga untuk mengenang ibunya. 

Menurut ketua unit bersalin hospital Deir Al-Balah, Doktor Abdel Karim Al-bawab, "Bayi ini dalam keadaan tidak stabil dan perlu dibantu dengan mesin pernafasan kerana dia kekurangan oksigen sewaktu ibunya meninggal. Telah menunjukkan tanda-tanda positif, akan tetapi bayi ini masih perlu tinggal di wad sekurang-kurangnya untuk tiga minggu lagi."

Ibu kepada Shayma Qanan, menangis dan berkata, "Apa salah anakku sehingga dia harus diserang tanpa amaran? Dia berada di bawah runtuhan rumahnya selama satu jam sebelum berjaya ditemui. Dia hanya seorang isteri yang baru berkahwin setahun dan sangat menantikan kelahiran anaknya. Akan tetapi, Allah telah melindungi bayi ini. Anakku Shayma meninggal dunia, namun cucuku selamat. "

*Diterjemahkan oleh Detik Islam dari sumber|Ma'an News| Sahabat Al-Aqsa/Islampos

Selasa, 29 Julai 2014

City Island 2.20.0 APK

City Island APK

Published by Sparkling Society, City Island is one of the best simulation game for android. Your mission is expanding and build houses for your citizens, decorations and community buildings to make them happy, explore the beach, and create jobs so you can earn money and gold from your happy citizens.

The interface is smooth and the graphics are good. The gameplay is simple but so addicting even if you only have about 3 minutes to spare it will make you happy. You can pretty much do whatever you want with your city. Build it the way you want to. Discover and expand your island, town and beach life in a virtual world full of quests where you have the power to build a business empire with a choice of 85+ unique buildings, like restaurants, hotels, offices, cinema's, bakeries and even oil platforms on your paradise island.

You make your own city, getting to collect money on the city island is just buzzard and fabulously fun and cool getting to make a city as big as you would like is amazing. Spend as much time as you want on this game. For a fun and boring evening night or even morning, you will enjoy this game, and a helpful hint do not spend all of your money at once or gold. Good if you like tycoon or SIM city style games.

Download City Island APK
- Requires: Android 2.3+
- File Name: 37MB (City Island 2.20.0.apk)

City Island APK

Head Soccer 3.0.1 APK

Head Soccer APK

Published by D&D Dream, Head Soccer is one of the best football game for kids, with only head and foot player. And now this game jut got update to v3.0.1 with few bug fixed. A great game with great graphics these game truly rocks! Head Soccer is a game which is only allowed to take shoots by head, it has many special header shoots which look truly entertaining.

With simple gameplay and great physics, Head Soccer is easy to pick up and fun to play. A soccer game with easy controls that everyone can learn in 1 second. You have to beat an opponent with fancy lethal shots such as ice shoot, dragon shoot and lightening shoot and win the tournament. You can also matchup with friends or global users through the game center.

Previous versions of Head Soccer

When you go on head cup you have to choose a character and when it lets you know if you want to play for sure move the arrow to pick any character and play with them. Play this fun soccer game anytime, anywhere. Once you start playing you can't stop, you can't put it down.

Download Head Soccer APK
- Requires: Android 2.2+
- File Name: 48MB (Head Soccer 3.0.1.apk)

Head Soccer APK

Hamas Tolak Bantuan Syiah Hizbullah

Pejuang Hamas secara tegas menolak bantuan Hizbullah dalam peperangan melawan Israel. 

"Untuk Zionis Israel, biar kami yang hadapi, dan kami minta tolong kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala," kata Hamas sebagaimana dilaporkan Abdullah onim dari Gaza 

Abdullah onim menambah, Hamas mempunyai roket dari hasil usaha sendiri bukan bantuan dari negara lain. Roket-roket itu dihasilkan Hamas dari jantung kota Gaza. 

Jika ada negara yang mengatakan, 'Kami yang membekalkan roket ke Gaza', "Itu Bohong," lapor onim. 

Sebelumnya, Hamas juga mengecam campur tangan Hizbullah dalam perang Syria yang telah membunuh beratus-ratus ribu Muslim Syria dan ribuan pelarian Palestin. 

Pada Disember 2012, petinggi Hamas Bara 'Nizar Rayyan putra Asy-Syahid DR Nizar Rayyan melontarkan kritikan pedas terhadap pemimpin Hizbullah, Hasan Nashrallah. Dengan tegas, Nizar meminta Hasan berhenti cari muka. 

"Ya Hasan Nashrallah, jangan kau cari sensasi di Gaza, sedangkan penjenayah Bashar Asad kau bela ...!" Kritiknya.

*Diterjemahkan oleh Detik Islam dari sumber
Video: MP Di India Paksa Lelaki Muslim Makan Ketika Berpuasa

Video: MP Di India Paksa Lelaki Muslim Makan Ketika Berpuasa

A politician attempts to force food into the mouth of a fasting Muslim
11 anggota parlimen parti Shiv Sena di India didakwa memaksa seorang supervisor katering Islam yang berpuasa untuk berbuka. 11 anggota DPR ini menyuruh lelaki Muslim tersebut untuk makan chapati di Maharashtra Sadan di New Delhi minggu lalu. 

Lelaki Muslim itu bernama Arshad. 11 ahli parlimen India tersebut disiasat oleh pihak kerajaan.

Isnin, 28 Julai 2014

91 Tentera Zionis Terbunuh

BRIGADE Izzuddin al-Qassam, sayap Gerakan Islam Hamas, menegaskan bahawa ketika berperang di darat melawan pasukan Zionis sehingga hari Isnin (28/7/2014), mereka berjaya membunuh 91 tentera Zionis. 

Dalam kenyataanya, Brigade al-Qassam berjaya mencederakan ratusan askar Zionis, di antaranya ada yang mengalami kecederaan yang sangat parah. 

Angka tersebut belum termasuk pegawai dan askar Zionis yang terbunuh dalam serangan terhadap kenderaan-kenderaan berat Zionis menggunakan roket cornet, roket phoenix, roket RPG pelbagai jenis dan bom-bom petrol, serta gempuran terhadap pasukan Zionis yang melakukan pencerobohan dengan roket dan mortar. 

Al-Qassam menegaskan, jumlah tentera Zionis yang terbunuh jauh lebih ramai dari itu. Jumlah tersebut adalah yang dikira oleh para pejuang al-Qassam ketika bersemuka secara langsung dengan tentera Zionis secara berhadapan dari jarak dekat. 

Sampai kini penjajah Zionis masih menyembunyikan jumlah pasukannya yang terbunuh baik dari kalangan pegawai dan askar. Para penganalisis tentera Zionis mengakui pertempuran hebat dihadapi oleh batalion Givati ​​dan Nahal iaitu batalion yang berpengaruh dalam tentera Zionis ketika menghadapi para pejuang al-Qassam di sempadan Semenanjung Gaza. 

Sehingga kini tentera Zionis masih mengakui 41 tentera zionis dan prajuritnya terbunuh ketika bertempur dengan Brigade al-Qassam.

*Diterjemahkan oleh Detik Islam dari sumber

Snapchat APK


Snapchat for android just got updated to v5.0.32.1 with few new features. Now this app is better with bug fixes and improvements and also double tap to reply is back and better than ever!

The best app for sending pics, Snapchat is the perfect way to share quick snaps with your friends. Snapchat is an excellent app for people to share their pictures and have cool caption and have fun. You can send your friends pictures, and you don't need to know how to spell. Fantastic app simple and easy to use and a great way of communicating. Also, great as you can send pics without using mms. Its fast, has cool settings, and its a really funny way to talk to your friends.

Previous versions of Snapchat
- Snapchat 5.0.5 APK

This app is one of the best social network apps after facebook and twitter. It's an easy way to make someone else have a better day. Great way to keep in touch with friends in a fun and silly way.

Download Snapchat APK
- Requires: Android 2.3+
- File Name: 8.5MB (Snapchat

Snapchat APK

Dino Hunter 1.0.2 APK

New game Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores arrives on Android. Just like Deer Hunter but better with different weapons and Dinosaurs, Dino Hunter is the greatest hunting game especially if you alert the animals then when they attack you kill so you have a challenge. If you liked Deer Hunter then you'll love this game. It's the same thing just with dinosaurs.

Best dinosaur hunting game, it's super nice to hunt dinosaur than hunting those animals you being able to see around. With destructive weapons like the rocket launcher and shuriken crossbow, Dino Hunter is one of the most complete FPS hunting simulators available for Android and will definitely please fans of the series.

Embark on the dinosaur hunting expedition of a lifetime to kill the ultimate game in Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores, the latest installation in the Dino Hunter series from Glu Mobile.

Download Dino Hunter APK
- Requires: Android 2.3+
- File Name: 49MB (Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores v1.0.2.apk)

Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores APK

Tentera Zionis Bunuh Diri Akibat Tekanan

Tidak semua tentera Zionis bersedia untuk menyerang Gaza. Tentera Zionis Israel berdepan dengan mujahidin Palestin apabila mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan serangan darat. Bahkan, Brigade Al Qassam membalas dengan menghantar pasukan khas mereka ke kawasan jajahan Israel dan menyerang tentera zionis di sana. 

Keadaan itu menyebabkan sebahagian tentera Zionis mengalami tekanan dan ketakutan. Tekanan yang sangat teruk sehingga tentera Zionis mengakhiri hidup mereka dengan menembak kepalanya sendiri. 

Pihak tentera Zionis mengakui adanya kes tentera yang bunuh diri. Dalam pengumumannya, seorang tentera yang mengawal di pos utara Gaza telah membunuh diri pada 19/7/2014 lalu. Seperti dilaporkan ROL dari Media Israel Chanel 2, Isnin (21/7/2014). 

"Mangsa cedera parah di kepala dan segara dibawa ke Hospital Soroka di Beersheba. Namun meninggal dunia dalam perjalanan," lapor media tersebut. 

Alasan tentera tersebut belum diketahui sehingga kini, namun adanya tekaan kuat tentera tersebut nekad membunuh diri akibat tekanan. Pertempuran menghadapi barisan mujahidin Palestin dikatakan penyebab tentera zionis itu mengalami tekanan psikologi.

*Diterjemahkan oleh Detik Islam dari sumber

Ahad, 27 Julai 2014

Zombie Frontier 1.21 APK

Zombie Frontier APK

Published by FT Games, Zombie Frontier is one of the best action game that available for iOS and Android. And now this game jut got update to v1.21 with few new features. Now the game is better with optimize weapon UI and adds a clip ammo when buy a new weapon. The current version v1.21 is good. You don't have crash issue on Android device.

A great game for mobile phones! If you like zombie games like Dead Trigger, you will love this. Watch out Resident Evil! This may be better! Actually, this is a good fps game, especially for time killing. The game is very cool and its great to be able to upgrade your weapons to bigger worse ones for massive headshots and take downs.

Overall, this game is very fun and the graphics are cool. It's something fun to do when you have nothing going on or waiting on something. If you like to kill zombies then this app is for you. You will be extremely pleased and happy and the head shots are amazing! Try it yourself and you will like it. So don't delay download this app today kill a hundred zombies!

Download Zombie Frontier APK
- Requires: Android 2.3+
- File Name: 13MB (Zombie Frontier 1.21.apk)

Zombie Frontier APK

Sabtu, 26 Julai 2014

My Talking Tom 1.8.4 APK

My Talking Tom APK

My Talking Tom android app just got updated to v1.8.4 with few new features. Now you have a new wardrobe, dress your Tom the way you want! Select a fur or your favorite outfit! Everything is now working with better video recording, make your own My Talking Tom video and share it with the world!

Published by Outfit7 My Talking Tom is one of the most popular apps for android. Your mission is to take good care of your virtual pet, name him and make him part of your daily life by feeding him, playing with him and nurturing him as he grows. You have to dress him up any way you like and pick from a wide selection of fur colors and other accessories. Decorate his home and checkout how others decorated their My Talking Tom homes. Play games with your Tom and watch as he becomes a part of your everyday life.

Previous versions of My Talking Tom
- My Talking Tom APK 1.0

When you are bored, you can play this games or challenge friends or family. This app lets you see Tom grow from kitten to adulthood, customizing his appearance as they go, with the introduction of animations powered in real-time 3D for the first time.

Download My Talking Tom APK
- Requires: Android 2.2+
- File Name: 15MB (My Talking Tom 1.8.4.apk)

My Talking Tom APK

Mohon Maaf Lahir Bhatin

Kami segenap kru yang bertugas di ASI Fansub mengucapkan "Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin" mohon maaf lahir batin. Mungkin selama ini kami ada salah kata, dan hal yang kurang berkenan di hati sahabat semua.

Oke, seputar rilisan kami yang tertunda, maaf belum bisa terpenuhi. Akibat kekurangan staf yang mengerjakan. Jika diantara sahabat ada yang berkenan hadir dan konsisten membantu kami, silahkan kontak/PM pimpinan kami di ASI Fansub.

Sekian informasi yang bisa kami berikan untuk saat ini. Tunggu saja kelanjutan setiap projek kami. Dan tetap dukung selalu ASI Fansub dengan berkomentar yang baik di kolom komentar atau chat box kami.

[Hormat Kami ASI Fansub]

Camera360 Ultimate 5.3 APK

Camera360 APK

Camera360 app for Android devices just got updated to v5.3 with few new features. You can now register using individual emails. Everything is now working with better Cloud Album, Quicker app launch, smoother and faster photo taking experience.

Published by PinGuo, Camera360 is the only photo-editing app you need. Enjoy endless editing effects and filters as you transform your mobile photos into gallery-worthy shots. This app has a wide range of effects and modes that are useful in every picture that you take. You can Crop, Rotate, Blur, Texture, Adjust and more photo edit features are available after shooting.

Previous versions of Camera360 Ultimate:
- Camera360 Ultimate APK 4.8.6
- Camera360 Ultimate APK v 4.7.8

Camera360 is one of the better ones out there. Many useful features that work and free. It has very wonderful effects that allow you to make a lot of different shots for the same thing. Total control, awesome effects, smooth and reliable equals awesome photographs, giving you the sense of an Android like control on photography. I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants there are pictures to look beautiful.

Download Camera360 Ultimate APK
- Requires: Android 2.3+
- File Name: 27MB (Camera360 Ultimate 5.3.apk)

Download Camera360 Ultimate APK

Jumaat, 25 Julai 2014

Brave Frontier 1.1.17 APK

Brave Frontier APK

The most anticipated classic style role-playing game for the Android comes with Google Play Service update. This is Brave Frontier, the most popular game for iOS and Android. Good thing BF was able to fix the bugs on their latest update.

Brave Frontier has millions of users worldwide, and the game is always on the top of Google Play Store and App Store. This is a sort of card battle RPG, very reminiscent of Puzzle and Dragons in some ways, but without the puzzles. The game is very fun to play and a lot of options for character development. The gameplay will reminds you of the classic Final Fantasy games. You can evolve units and the battle system kind of has an old school RPG feel.

In the game, you have to team up with friends and develop your tactics to take on more than 100 missions throughout the land of Grand Gaia. You must collect loads of beautifully pixel-crafted heroes, each with their own battle style and unique Brave Burst attack. Compete in the PVP Arena! Climb its ranks and cut down your opponents to receive rare equipment and other rewards.

Previous versions of Brave Frontier:

Brave Frontier is perfect in about every way. You get the chance to increase your money and units with special keys for ghosts, and a chance to get rares with gems you get for completing interesting fighting areas. The energy use also tells you when to tale a good break from it too when used up.

Download Brave Frontier APK
- Requires: Android 2.3.3+
- File Name: 46.3MB (Brave Frontier 1.1.17.apk)

Download Brave Frontier APK
Yahudi Ketakutan, Bandar-bandar Mati Di Israel

Yahudi Ketakutan, Bandar-bandar Mati Di Israel

Pencerobohan Israel ke Gaza bukan saja menyebabkan ketakutan bagi warga Palestin, malah Yahudi juga hidup dalam ketakutan. Hal ini dapat dilihat menerusi raut wajah-wajah penduduk Israel. Mereka sangat bimbang dengan roket-roket Palestin yang bila-bila masa saja boleh menghentam mereka. 

Sejumlah bandar di Israel tiba-tiba berubah menjadi bandar hantu, akibat penduduknya lari ke luar negera. Lapangan terbang penuh sesak dengan penumpang. Mereka terpaksa lari ke luar negera akibat keadaan keselamatan di Israel tidak terjamin. 

Laporan dari beberapa Media Israel menyebut, wajah-wajah tegang mewarnai setiap penduduk Israel. Tiap hari mereka ketakutan, menyusul kemampuan tentangan pihak pejuang Gaza yang mampu menjadikan seluruh wilayah Israel dalam jangkauan roketnya. 

Amerika sendiri sebagai pelindung yahudi semangnya merasakan hal yang sama. Mereka terpaksa mengeluarkan larangan perjalanan ke Israel menyusul keselamatan yang tidak menentu. 

Laporan PIC pada Rabu (23/7/2014) melaorkan, perang kali ini berbeza dengan sebelumnya. Perang sebelumnya, tentera Zionis kelihatan biasa di sempadan Gaza. Roket-roket pejuang Islam biasanya hanya sampai setakat bandar Sederot.

Dulu hanya penduduk di bandar Sederot saja yang dipindahkan ke kawasan selamat oleh kerajaan yahudi. Namun sekarang, semua bandar Israel seperti Tel Aviv, Haifa dan beberapa bandar penting yang lain boleh dicapai sasaran oleh roket pejuang dan akibatnya beberapa bandar dan wilayah Israel menjadi kota mati. 

Roket pejuang Islam Palestin kini telah menjangkau jarak lebih dari 160 kilometer dari Gaza. 

*Diterjemahkan oleh Detik Islam dari sumber | sm / islampos / pic
Messi Sumbang €1 Juta Euro Kepada Israel

Messi Sumbang €1 Juta Euro Kepada Israel

messi netanyahu israel Messi Sumbang Israel Sebesar Rp20 Milyar!
LIONEL Messi, kapten skuad bola sepak Argentina dan juga pemain kelab Barcelona telah menyumbangkan €1 Juta Euro kepada Israel, menurut, Sabtu (19/7/2014). 

Dalam konteks antarabangsa sekarang ini, di mana tentera yahudi zionis telah membunuhlebih dari 573 orang di Gaza, maklumat ini mencemarkan imej pemain bola sepak itu. 

Pada tahun 2013, Presiden Israel Shimon Peres, menjemput Barcelona ke Israel dan dia memuji Messi dan pasukan bola sepak itu sebagai "utusan perdamaian" Israel. Messi dan rakan sepasukanya di Barcelona dikerumuni oleh peminat bola sepak Israel semasa kedatangan mereka. 

"Saya menonton anda sepanjang masa," kata Perdana Menteri Israel Benjami n Netanyahu ketika itu. "Kita berdua bermain di gelanggang antarabangsa, hanya anda dibayar lebih daripada yang saya lakukan. Dan anda juga mempunyai tujuan bersama. Apa yang biasanya anda ingin lakukan adalah menyumbang gol melawan rival anda, tetapi juga melindungi pasukan anda, tujuan anda .... Jika anda menang, semua orang berkongsi dalam kemenangan. "

messi tembok ratapan yahudi Messi Sumbang Israel Sebesar Rp20 Milyar!
Messi juga berdoa di Tembok Ratapan Yahudi

Berjuta-juta orang islam di seluruh dunia memakai jersi Messi di Barcelona yang bernombor 10 [sa / islampos / whatsupic]

*Diterjemahkan oleh Detik Islam dari sumber

Geometry Dash Lite 1.71 APK

Geometry Dash

Geometry Dash is one of the most fun and addicting games on Android and iPhone. Published by RobTop Games, this is a fast-paced platformer that will leave you screaming in frustration, but you’ll keep coming back for more. 

A fun little title, but one you die you have to start at the beginning of the level. The game is well made with many maps and different sound tracks. Incredibly addictive, engaging and stylistic, this game is as simple as it gets and yet holds player attention like no other game. Once you pick it up you won't putdown with fun long levels and even more if you get the full version.

Geometry Dash is not a math game. You are a square jumping over and under obstacles. In the battle against consoles for a hardcore game, the Android wins this one. This game has very simple rules: tap, hold, and let go, but the challenge takes you to whole new heights. When you start to being an intense battle against obstacles, this game will brings you back to the old Megaman games, where making it one step farther in the level is a feat to remember.

Geometry Dash Lite Game Features:
- Fly rockets, flip gravity and much more!
- Use practice mode to sharpen your skills!
- Challenge yourself with the near impossible!
- Unlock new icons and colors to customize your character!

Download Geometry Dash APK
- Requires: Android 2.3.3+
- File Name: 24MB (Geometry Dash Lite 1.71.apk)

Geometry Dash Lite APK

Khamis, 24 Julai 2014

Clumsy Ninja 1.8.0 APK

Clumsy Ninja

Clumsy Ninja android game updated to v1.8.0 with new Summer content. Now the game is better with Summer Suit ­ Relax in style! Clumsy Ninja is the next generation of interactive characters! He can sense, feel, move, and react uniquely every time.

This game is really good and one of the best games on a smartphone because it actually has a story behind all the collecting and training. Your mission is to train your ninja to learn new tricks and super-special Ninja Moves! Impress his Sensei and earn new Ninja Belts on your way to find Kira. You and your ninja will travel to new locations, play new games, meet new characters, complete quests and unlock fun new items to play with.

It's funny watching some of the things the ninja does when he thinks no one is looking. The game has stunning graphics. It's like you're the sensei, you get to train and touch your own little person you can do lots of missions. Train him, tie balloons to him, title him and many more. Everything you do will make Clumsy Ninja more skillful.

Previous versions of Clumsy Ninja

A great way to pass the time and better than some other similar games. The aspects of the game are so finely tuned! They generously stir in a lot of comedy with a mass of "Time-killing" fun! Once you get further in the game, you have to wait a while to advance but it will notify you when your training equips is repaired. So you can put the game down and go about your real life,  just enough challenge to keep me coming back!

Download Clumsy Ninja APK
- Requires: Android 2.3+
- File Name: 15MB (Clumsy Ninja 1.8.0.apk)

Clumsy Ninja APK

Destiny 3.0.2 APK


Destiny companion app updated to v3.0.2, the update made it possible for us with the Android L preview installed to be finally able to sign in, and the app not crash instantly. Destiny Companion is a must have for all destiny fans. This is what a game companion app should be. No extra fat, no paywall or marketing, just functional and helpful additions to the game.

As we know Destiny is a new game for next-gen consoles, with the public beta of the game now available for PlayStation 4 owners.  By install this app,  you can manage your gear and skills on the fly. You have access to your character (known as a Guardian), including weapons, armor, stats and all your accomplishments. And also you get information about additional features inside and outside of the game.

Fantastic app for the fantastic game.  Destiny companion app has easy to get to functions. Clear topics and useful information and easy to read. It is the best designed video game app yet, really fast, intuitive and overall great.

Download Destiny APK
- Requires: Android 4.0+
- File Name: 16MB (Destiny 3.0.2.apk)

Destiny APK

Video: Pemain Bola Sepak Israel Diserang di Austria

Akibat serangan tentera Israel ke atas Gaza, pemain bola kelab Maccabi Haifa Israel diserang ketika pertandingan . Insiden ini berlaku pada 23 Julai 2014 ketika kelab bola Israel itu bertandang ke Austria melawan kelab Perancis Lille. 

Kejadian tersebut berlaku selepas wisel penamat. Apabila pengadil hendak meniup wisel panjang tanda akhir perlawanan, penonton tiba-tiba turun ke padang dan menyerang pemain Israel. Salah seorang adalah Yossi Benayoun, iaitu kapten pasukan kebangsaan Israel. 

Salah seorang pemain Israel diludah, sementara Jurulatih kelab Maccabi memasuki gelanggang untuk melindungi pemainnya. 

Namun, tiada seorang pun pemain yahudi cedera. Mereka berjalan ke bilik persalinan dan pasukan keselamatan tempatan segera menangani penunjuk perasaan. Samuel Scheimann, pertahanan kelab Maccabi, mendakwa sekurang-kurangnya seorang dari para perusuh itu membawa pisau. 

Maccabi Haifa mengeluarkan kenyataan mengenai insiden tersebut. "Kami mengalami suasana kekerasan tidak selesa di lapangan. Serangan itu dirancang dan berbahaya kerana hasutan media Turki. Para penunjuk perasaan sebahagian besar adalah pendatang Turki. Kelab yahdi itu kalah kepada Lille 0-2.

*Sumber video dari carian |Diterjemahkan oleh Detik Islam dari sumber | Sa / islampos / ynet]