Home / Archived For Oktober 2013
Khamis, 31 Oktober 2013
WhatsApp Messenger v2.11.109 APK
Apps CommunicationWhatsApp Messenger is cross-platform mobile messaging app for Nokia, iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Windows and other smartphones. Here you can download WhatsApp for android. With millions of users worldwide, we thing you must have this apps.
WhatsApp uses your 3G or WiFi (when available) to message with friends and family. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, pictures, audio notes, and video messages.
Apps features:
- NO HIDDEN COST: Once you and your friends download the application, you can use it to chat as much as you want. Send a million messages a day to your friends for free! WhatsApp uses your Internet connection: 3G/EDGE or Wi-Fi when available.
- MULTIMEDIA: Send Video, Images, and Voice notes to your friends and contacts.
- GROUP CHAT: Enjoy group conversations with your contacts.
- NO INTERNATIONAL CHARGES: Just like there is no added cost to send an international email, there is no cost to send WhatsApp messages internationally. Chat with your friends all over the world as long as they have WhatsApp Messenger installed and avoid those pesky international SMS costs.
- SAY NO TO PINS AND USERNAMES: Why even bother having to remember yet another PIN or username? WhatsApp works with your phone number, just like SMS would, and integrates flawlessly with your existing phone address book.
- NO NEED TO LOG IN/OUT: No more confusion about getting logged off from another computer or device. With push notifications WhatsApp is ALWAYS ON and ALWAYS CONNECTED.
-NO NEED TO ADD BUDDIES: Your Address Book is used to automatically connect you with your contacts. Your contacts who already have WhatsApp Messenger will be automatically displayed.
-OFFLINE MESSAGES: Even if you miss your push notifications or turn off your phone, WhatsApp will save your messages offline until you retrieve them during the next application use.
- AND MUCH MORE: Share location, Exchange contacts, Custom wallpaper, Custom notification sounds, Landscape mode, Precise message time stamps, Email chat history, Broadcast messages and MMS to many contacts at once and much much more!
Requires Android: 2.1+
Download file: 11MB (WhatsApp Messenger v2.11.109 APK)
WhatsApp uses your 3G or WiFi (when available) to message with friends and family. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, pictures, audio notes, and video messages.
Apps features:
- NO HIDDEN COST: Once you and your friends download the application, you can use it to chat as much as you want. Send a million messages a day to your friends for free! WhatsApp uses your Internet connection: 3G/EDGE or Wi-Fi when available.
- MULTIMEDIA: Send Video, Images, and Voice notes to your friends and contacts.
- GROUP CHAT: Enjoy group conversations with your contacts.
- NO INTERNATIONAL CHARGES: Just like there is no added cost to send an international email, there is no cost to send WhatsApp messages internationally. Chat with your friends all over the world as long as they have WhatsApp Messenger installed and avoid those pesky international SMS costs.
- SAY NO TO PINS AND USERNAMES: Why even bother having to remember yet another PIN or username? WhatsApp works with your phone number, just like SMS would, and integrates flawlessly with your existing phone address book.
- NO NEED TO LOG IN/OUT: No more confusion about getting logged off from another computer or device. With push notifications WhatsApp is ALWAYS ON and ALWAYS CONNECTED.
-NO NEED TO ADD BUDDIES: Your Address Book is used to automatically connect you with your contacts. Your contacts who already have WhatsApp Messenger will be automatically displayed.
-OFFLINE MESSAGES: Even if you miss your push notifications or turn off your phone, WhatsApp will save your messages offline until you retrieve them during the next application use.
- AND MUCH MORE: Share location, Exchange contacts, Custom wallpaper, Custom notification sounds, Landscape mode, Precise message time stamps, Email chat history, Broadcast messages and MMS to many contacts at once and much much more!
Download file: 11MB (WhatsApp Messenger v2.11.109 APK)
Crazy Bowling v1.1 APK
Games RacingBowling is one of the most popular sports in the world. Did you know with android phone you can play this game, the name is Crazy Bowling. This is cool game must download if you're sport lover. IT'S BOWLING TIME!
Become a real bowling master, hit the bowling alley and focus to take your best shots and take down as many pins as possible.This is the best and most realistic great bowling game on the Android phones. It is the only bowling game that fully embraces the incredible great physics engine and effects.Be the world's best player in this free bowling game. How many consecutive strikes can you score?
Start calculating the right distance, angel and the perfect shooting power, trust your instincts and your talent and bowl like a professional, start scoring points and boosting up your self-confidence. Become better n better and beat your own records, discover a brand new graphics and prove yourself again and again that you are a bowling master. The excitement of responding to new challenges has begun.
This game is a fun little bowling app. How many strike can you get? Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Become a real bowling master, hit the bowling alley and focus to take your best shots and take down as many pins as possible.This is the best and most realistic great bowling game on the Android phones. It is the only bowling game that fully embraces the incredible great physics engine and effects.Be the world's best player in this free bowling game. How many consecutive strikes can you score?
Start calculating the right distance, angel and the perfect shooting power, trust your instincts and your talent and bowl like a professional, start scoring points and boosting up your self-confidence. Become better n better and beat your own records, discover a brand new graphics and prove yourself again and again that you are a bowling master. The excitement of responding to new challenges has begun.
This game is a fun little bowling app. How many strike can you get? Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Requires Android: 1.5+
Download file: 2.5MB (Crazy Bowling v1.1 APK)Pahala kita menjadi milik orang, dosa orang menjadi milik kita
ARTIKEL ISLAMOrang yang mengumpat akan mendapat kerugian besar pada hari akhirat. Pada rekod amalan mereka akan dicatatkan sebagai perbuatan menghapuskan pahala.
Sabda Rasulullah bermaksud : "Perbuatan mengumpat itu samalah seperti api memakan ranting kayu kering".
Pahala yang dikumpulkan sebelum itu akan musnah atau dihapuskan seperti mudahnya api memakan kayu kering sehingga tidak tinggal apa-apa lagi.
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Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Ummah al-Bahili, di akhirat seorang terkejut besar apabila melihat catatan amalan kebaikan yang tidak pernah dilakukannya didunia. Maka, dia berkata kepada Allah "Wahai Tuhanku, dari manakah datangnya kebaikan yang banyak ini, sedangkan aku tidak pernah melakukannya" .
Maka Allah menjawab: "Semua itu kebaikan (pahala) orang yang mengumpat engkau tanpa engkau ketahui".
Sebaliknya, jika pahala orang yang mengumpat tidak ada lagi untuk diberikan kepada orang diumpat, maka dosa orang yang diumpat akan dipindahkan kepada orang yang mengumpat. Inilah dikatakan orang muflis di akhirat nanti.
*Sumber dari dirihamba.blogspot.com
*Sumber dari dirihamba.blogspot.com
Salam yang mendapat 30 pahala
Sessiapa memberi salam dengan lafaz ” Assalamualaikum ” mendapat 10 Pahala, sesiapa memberi salam dengan lafaz ” Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah “ mendapat 20 Pahala dan sesiapa memberi slam dengan lafaz ” Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh ” mendapat 30 Pahala.
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لسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ |
Kepentingan Ucapan Salam.
Berkaitan kepentingan dan kelebihan ucapan salam, maka di sana terdapat beberapa Hadith yang menyebut secara jelas kelebihan memberi salam itu sendiri dan penulis nukilkan beberapa Hadith di sini.
Diriwayatkan di dalam Shahih Al-Bukhari dan Muslim, daripada Abdillah bin Amru bin Al-‘As R.A, sesungguhnya seorang lelaki telah bertanya kepada Rasulullah S.A.W: “Bagaimanakah (amalan) Islam yang terbaik ? Maka Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda: “Kamu memberi makanan, dan mengucapkan salam kepada sesiapa yang kamu kenali dan tidak kenali”.
Diwayatkan di dalam Musnad Ad-Darimi dan di dalam Sunan Al-Tirmizhi dan Ibnu Majah, dan lain-lainnya dengan sanad yang baik, daripada Abdullah bin Salam R.A, beliau telah berkata: “Akutelah mendengar Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda: “Wahai sekelian manusia, sampaikanlah salam, berilah olehmu makanan, dan sambungkan silaturrahim, dan bersolatlah di waktu manusia sedang tidur, maka kamu akan masuk syurga dengan penuh sejahtera”. Telah berkata Imam Al-Tirmizhi, hadith ini adalah shahih.
Diriwayatkan di dalam Kitab Ibnu Majah dan Ibnu Sunni, daripada Abi Umamah R.A, beliau telah berkata: “Nabi S.A.W telah memerintahkan kami agar menyebarkan (mengucapkan) salam”.
Diriwayatkan di dalam Shahih Muslim, daripada Abi Hurairah R.A , beliau telah berkata: “Nabi S.A.W telah bersabda: “Tidak akan masuk syurga sehingga kamu beriman, dan tidak dikira beriman sehingga kamu saling mengasihi, seutama-utama sesuatu perkara yang aku lakukan maka kamu akan saling mengasihi, adalah kamu saling menyebarkan salam di antara kamu”.
*Sumber dari peribadirasulullah.wordpress.com / riadhulwardah.blogspot.com
Sejarah susu kambing dalam Islam
Bermulanya Human Civilization (tamadun manusia) Habil dan Qabil menternak kambing dan ianya merupakan ternakan binatang pertama di dunia.
Merupakan penternak kambing yang agong.Terdapat 12,000 ekor anjing yang menjaga kambing- kambingnya.Berlaku peristiwa sedekah (kambing) yang terbesar dalam sejarah Islam.
Juga menternak kambing. Wujudnya Bani Israel – bangsa Yahudi (satu bangsa yang dikenali cerdik). Mengamalkan minuman susu kambing sehingga ke hari ini.
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Diantara jenis minuman yang biasa diminum oleh Rasulullah saw adalah susu kambing segar, yakni langsung diminum sesudah diperah dari kambing (kisah Abdullah bin Mas’ud pada masa remaja, mengembala kambing milik Uqbah Mu’aith)
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w telah disediakan dengan tiga jenis minuman oleh Jibrail iaitu Arak , Madu dan Susu kambing. Baginda memilih susu kambing kerana sesuai dengan fitrah manusia.(minuman yang terbaik di dunia selepas susu ibu).
*Sumber dari muazzmarketing.blogspot.com
Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013
LINE Android 3.9.3 APK
Apps CommunicationMore than 280 million users worldwide using this app. The name is LINE, this is apps alternative that lets you make calls and chat with your android . Download apk file and we hope you enjoy LINE!
New LINE Features:
◆Video Calls
Now you can make Video Calls with LINE! Perfect for everything from talking with far away friends and family to holding business meetings.
More about LINE’s Features:
◆Free Voice Calls and Video Calls!
・If you have LINE on your iPhone, you can enjoy free, high quality voice calls and video calls whenever and wherever you are. Talk for as much as you like and best of all, it’s free!
・Free for international calls as well.
◆Messages Delivered to You Quick!
Instead of taking time to email/sms your friends, use LINE’s message function to send messages easily with colorful icons, photos and even location information.
・Express yourself using stickers and emoji.
・Send photos and voice messages with ease.
・Available for PCs and smart-tablets
◆Making Communication More Enjoyable and Convenient
With the Timeline feature, you can update your friends about what you've been doing lately using text, photos, movies, stickers and even location info. Don't miss out on what your friends are posting, either!
◆Find all your favorite characters in the Sticker Shop!
You'll find hilarious and fun stickers featuring famous characters from all over the world!
◆Useful info delivered to you from LINE’s Official Accounts
Add any of these Official Accounts to get original messages from famous celebrities from your country of choice.
What's New
-Added a setting that prevents users not on your friends list from sending you messages.
- Added the "Snap Movie" function which allows you to add BGM to short videos and send them to your friends
-Increased the length of voice messages to 30 minutes.
- Other minor bug fixes
Requires Android: 2.1+
Download file: MB (Line Android 3.9.3 APK)
New LINE Features:
◆Video Calls
Now you can make Video Calls with LINE! Perfect for everything from talking with far away friends and family to holding business meetings.
More about LINE’s Features:
◆Free Voice Calls and Video Calls!
・If you have LINE on your iPhone, you can enjoy free, high quality voice calls and video calls whenever and wherever you are. Talk for as much as you like and best of all, it’s free!
・Free for international calls as well.
◆Messages Delivered to You Quick!
Instead of taking time to email/sms your friends, use LINE’s message function to send messages easily with colorful icons, photos and even location information.
・Express yourself using stickers and emoji.
・Send photos and voice messages with ease.
・Available for PCs and smart-tablets
◆Making Communication More Enjoyable and Convenient
With the Timeline feature, you can update your friends about what you've been doing lately using text, photos, movies, stickers and even location info. Don't miss out on what your friends are posting, either!
◆Find all your favorite characters in the Sticker Shop!
You'll find hilarious and fun stickers featuring famous characters from all over the world!
◆Useful info delivered to you from LINE’s Official Accounts
Add any of these Official Accounts to get original messages from famous celebrities from your country of choice.
What's New
-Added a setting that prevents users not on your friends list from sending you messages.
- Added the "Snap Movie" function which allows you to add BGM to short videos and send them to your friends
-Increased the length of voice messages to 30 minutes.
- Other minor bug fixes
Requires Android: 2.1+
Download file: MB (Line Android 3.9.3 APK)
GO Launcher EX UI3.0 theme v2.07 APK
Apps PersonalizationAre you boring with your android style? Let's change your theme with GO Launcher. The classical UI3.0 theme is now available for android ! More than 200 beautiful original designed icons, includes the most popular apps, and a new designed wallpaper is up to you. This theme is just perfect for you to renew your phone!
Apps features:
-More than 200 unique icons (keep increasing)!
-A new special customized wallpaper
-Automatically adapt to different kinds of screen resolution
-REMEMBER Before enjoying your exclusive UI3.0 Theme, you need to make sure you have had the latest GO Launcher EX installed in your phone. The theme can only run on GO Launcher EX.
-CONVENIENTLY UI3.0 Theme is designed for all screen resolution from MDPI to XHDPI.
-IF NEEDED You can check out the menu, click “Themes” button, and find UI3.0 Theme in the “Installed” tab.
Find out GO Launcher EX UI3.0 theme on Google Play Store
What's New
1. (Improve) More icons are included
2. (Improve) Update GO Battery Saver&Power Widget and GO Backup&Restore Pro icons
Requires Android O/S: 2.0+
Download file: 5.5MB (GO Launcher EX UI3.0 theme APK)
Apps features:
-More than 200 unique icons (keep increasing)!
-A new special customized wallpaper
-Automatically adapt to different kinds of screen resolution
-REMEMBER Before enjoying your exclusive UI3.0 Theme, you need to make sure you have had the latest GO Launcher EX installed in your phone. The theme can only run on GO Launcher EX.
-CONVENIENTLY UI3.0 Theme is designed for all screen resolution from MDPI to XHDPI.
-IF NEEDED You can check out the menu, click “Themes” button, and find UI3.0 Theme in the “Installed” tab.
Find out GO Launcher EX UI3.0 theme on Google Play Store
What's New
1. (Improve) More icons are included
2. (Improve) Update GO Battery Saver&Power Widget and GO Backup&Restore Pro icons
Requires Android O/S: 2.0+
Download file: 5.5MB (GO Launcher EX UI3.0 theme APK)
Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013
Adv Calculator v1.3.4 APK
Apps ToolsLooking for a calculator for your Android? Adv Calculator is one of the best android apps you must have. This is scientific calculator and can perform from some simple math tasks, to some multi-degree equations and geometric calculations.
A powerfull calculator. Can read, modify and interpret complex formulas like 5*sin(12/(2+9))-ln(1)
- All usuals science and logic functions.
- Formula editor with historic.
- Regulary update with new possibility.
- Improve space on the screen
Find out Adv Calculator on Google Play Store
Requires Android O/S: 1.5 +
Download file: 0.3MB (Adv Calculator v1.3.4 APK)
A powerfull calculator. Can read, modify and interpret complex formulas like 5*sin(12/(2+9))-ln(1)
- All usuals science and logic functions.
- Formula editor with historic.
- Regulary update with new possibility.
- Improve space on the screen
Find out Adv Calculator on Google Play Store
Download file: 0.3MB (Adv Calculator v1.3.4 APK)
Lightning Launcher eXtreme v8.4 APK
Apps ProductivityLightning Launcher eXtreme is one of the best android apps can be used to change user interface your device. This is android apps can create a customized homescreen experience and given different android UI. LL is a fast, light and extremely customizable home screen replacement for Android.
Lightning Launcher eXtreme is the launcher of choice for people who wants a butter smooth, light on memory and tailor-made home screen replacement.
This is the ultimate bundle, no compromise, still as fast and light as LL, but simply the most powerful and configurable launcher for Android.
LLX is a vitamined version of LL, with the following additions:
* Enhanced app drawer, with the ability to create folders, hide apps, change the style in all ways, view running apps, most frequently used, recently installed, direct shortcuts to kill or uninstall apps... and more !
* Support for configuring up to 100 distincts desktops, with customizable label and icon, for the purpose of managing multiple independant setups (personal, professional, for kids, etc.)
* Built-in configurable messaging notifications (highly customizable badge for sms, missed calls, unread gmails)
* App killer available from everywhere: long tap on an icon, select kill, et voilà.
* Built-in per desktop wallpaper, available in the app drawer too.
Things to be aware of (please read this notice):
- With its wide set of options and switches, Lightning is one of the most customizable launcher, albeit perhaps not the easiest to configure yet ! Agreed, as most powerful tools, Lightning has a learning curve. But isn't that a small price to pay to get the most exciting and unique home screen ;-) Join the community to get tips and tricks !
- LLX is a superset of LL and fully replace it: on first use it will import all data from LL, and LL can safely be uninstalled. Avoid using both at the same time, this is confusing as apps will look exactly the same !
- LLX no longer supports obsolete LL widgets. The reason is that these features are now built in: plugins are not needed anymore. They still work but I won't answer requests about them.
- The obsolete Screen Switcher Widget (SSW) will continue to work when imported from an existing LL setup, however it's use is strongly discouraged because all Screen Switcher features are now included in LLX. The old Screen Switcher widget configuration screen is not supported anymore and will not work in conjunction with LLX own configuration screen
Find out Lightning Launcher eXtreme on Google Play Store
Requires Android O/S: 2.0 +
Download file: 0.47MB (Lightning Launcher eXtreme v8.4 APK)
Lightning Launcher eXtreme is the launcher of choice for people who wants a butter smooth, light on memory and tailor-made home screen replacement.
This is the ultimate bundle, no compromise, still as fast and light as LL, but simply the most powerful and configurable launcher for Android.
LLX is a vitamined version of LL, with the following additions:
* Enhanced app drawer, with the ability to create folders, hide apps, change the style in all ways, view running apps, most frequently used, recently installed, direct shortcuts to kill or uninstall apps... and more !
* Support for configuring up to 100 distincts desktops, with customizable label and icon, for the purpose of managing multiple independant setups (personal, professional, for kids, etc.)
* Built-in configurable messaging notifications (highly customizable badge for sms, missed calls, unread gmails)
* App killer available from everywhere: long tap on an icon, select kill, et voilà.
* Built-in per desktop wallpaper, available in the app drawer too.
Things to be aware of (please read this notice):
- With its wide set of options and switches, Lightning is one of the most customizable launcher, albeit perhaps not the easiest to configure yet ! Agreed, as most powerful tools, Lightning has a learning curve. But isn't that a small price to pay to get the most exciting and unique home screen ;-) Join the community to get tips and tricks !
- LLX is a superset of LL and fully replace it: on first use it will import all data from LL, and LL can safely be uninstalled. Avoid using both at the same time, this is confusing as apps will look exactly the same !
- LLX no longer supports obsolete LL widgets. The reason is that these features are now built in: plugins are not needed anymore. They still work but I won't answer requests about them.
- The obsolete Screen Switcher Widget (SSW) will continue to work when imported from an existing LL setup, however it's use is strongly discouraged because all Screen Switcher features are now included in LLX. The old Screen Switcher widget configuration screen is not supported anymore and will not work in conjunction with LLX own configuration screen
Find out Lightning Launcher eXtreme on Google Play Store
Requires Android O/S: 2.0 +
Download file: 0.47MB (Lightning Launcher eXtreme v8.4 APK)
Hide App-Hide Application Icon v1.3.0 APK
Apps ToolsProtect your apps with App Hider for Android. This is one of the android apps which can hide any app you don't want others people to know. Download apk file and install to protect your privacy.
"AppHider" can help you to hide any app. After the app is hided, the app icon will disappear from the Launcher.
Apps featured:
-Totally free. No Ads.
-Hide apps
- Support PIN lock
-Support auto backup and restore (After you reinstall AppHider, the previous hided apps can be restored back.)
AppHider needs ROOT permission.
Current Version : 1.3.0
Findout Hide App-Hide Application Icon on Google Play Store
Requires Android: 2.2 +
Download file : 2.4MB (Hide App-Hide Application Icon v1.3.0 APK)
"AppHider" can help you to hide any app. After the app is hided, the app icon will disappear from the Launcher.
Apps featured:
-Totally free. No Ads.
-Hide apps
- Support PIN lock
-Support auto backup and restore (After you reinstall AppHider, the previous hided apps can be restored back.)
AppHider needs ROOT permission.
Current Version : 1.3.0
Findout Hide App-Hide Application Icon on Google Play Store
Download file : 2.4MB (Hide App-Hide Application Icon v1.3.0 APK)
Kamen Rider Kabuto 09 Subtitle Indonesia
KabutoEpisode 09 "Kegilaan Lebah"
Sinopsis :
Yaguruma bertemu dengan Tendou yang ternyata masih hidup bahkan tak terluka sedikitpun. Begitu pula dengan sabuk (belt) Zecter yang dibawanya. Akhirnya Yaguruma menantang Tendou untuk bertarung kembali, namun kali ini Yaguruma malah menjadi kurang waras bahkan melukai kawannya sesama pasukan shadow Zecter. Pada akhirnya The Bee Zecter meninggalkan Yaguruma dan memilih untuk dipakai oleh Kagami Arata.
Catatan Admin : Jika link download diatas sudah udzur silahkan konfirmasi ke FAQ.
Sebelum download ucapkan sepatah kata & dukungan untuk kami
Isnin, 28 Oktober 2013
QR Reader for Android v2.0 APK
Apps ProductivityNowadays QR codes are used more and more. You can meet their everywhere. To scan and read mobile barcodes you need QR Reader, and here is QR Reader for Android. This is the most simple & easy QR Reader - 100% FREE. Fast and effective. App opens instantly in real-time scanning mode.
Apps features:
- Scans QR codes in real-time using the Android camera
- Share using email, facebook or twitter
- Integrated web browser
- Integrated map view
- Save QR contacts to your Android Contacts Book.
- Create your own QR codes and share them.
- Create your own business card QR code.
Download the free QR Reader for Android app now! QR Reader for Android is optimised for Android platform v1.5 and later.
Find out QR Reader for Android on Google Play
Requires Android O/S: 1.5 +
Download file: 2.4MB (QR Reader apk)
Apps features:
- Scans QR codes in real-time using the Android camera
- Share using email, facebook or twitter
- Integrated web browser
- Integrated map view
- Save QR contacts to your Android Contacts Book.
- Create your own QR codes and share them.
- Create your own business card QR code.
Download the free QR Reader for Android app now! QR Reader for Android is optimised for Android platform v1.5 and later.
Find out QR Reader for Android on Google Play
Download file: 2.4MB (QR Reader apk)
Combo Crew v1.3.0 APK
Action GamesThis is fantastic game with 50% off for the launch of the Street Fighter™ characters. Download apk file and enjoy playing characters in your android device.
In a world where a fist to the face is a perfectly viable solution, Mr. Boss has it all. Now he wants to break the greatest fighters ever! Trapped in his giant tower, you must fight your way to the top to take him down! Inspired by the best brawlers of the arcade era, Combo Crew is pure rumble with no virtual buttons to mess up your moves.
Touch controls are smooth, responsive, and easy to learn: one-finger swipe to punch / kick, tap to counter, and two-finger swipes for special combos. When your super combo gauge fills up, all hell breaks loose—beat down the bad guys with hectic in-your-face combo streaks!
Play this action-packed brawler alone or call in your whole crew! You can rescue online friends from KO (or have them rescue you) and compete for high scores on global leaderboards. Quick melee brawls in arena-style levels make Combo Crew perfect for intense bursts of gaming on the go. But with hundreds of missions, unlockables, and an endless mode, you’ll keep coming back for more.
Game features:
• Fight with your fingers: slash enemies to trigger crazy combos, tap to guard. A modern beat ’em up with no virtual D-pad!
• The first mobile brawler with asynchronous multiplayer across devices. Rescue your friends, or be rescued by them!
• A true arcade experience with a great combo system and super moves.
• Several heroes with unique combat styles and more than 80 moves to master.
• Legendary video game characters have joined the crew t: Ryu, Chun Li, Ken and Blanka from Street Fighter™ 2, Joe from Viewtiful Joe™ as in-App purchases, and Lester Knight from Another world.
• Hundreds of missions - complete them solo or compete for high scores against online friends.
• An endless scoring mode, unlockables, and collectibles - a ton of replay value.
• Log in to sync automatically between your devices.
• Works smoothly on your smartphone or tablet.
• Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian.
Find out Combo Crew on Google Play
Requires Android O/S: 2.2 +
Download file: 53MB (Combo Crew v1.3.0.rar)
Arcade GamesDo you like FPS games? Today we provide one of the most popular FPS game the name is DEAD TRIGGER 2. This is second-generation first-person zombie from MadFinger Games and available for Android.
Download Dead Trigger 2 for FREE and enter a world where humanity is engaged in the ultimate battle for survival in the face of a global Zombie apocalypse. Find a safe place to hide-out, get equipped, and fight for your life in a real time bid for survival against an onslaught of bloodthirsty undead. Join the Global Resistance and fight to crush the Zombie plague that has positioned the Earth on the edge of peril. It’s up to you to provide humanity with a new chance at survival.
Choose between a touch control scheme created especially for casual players or an enhanced virtual joystick.
Prefer console gaming? Then go ahead and use a fully supported gamepad.
You’ll be dazzled by cutting-edge graphics, including real time water reflections, dynamic vegetation and enhanced ragdolls.
Explore various locations and slaughter the undead in eerie alleyways, abandoned mines or the African desert.
You are not alone.
Take part in the Global Resistance, tune in to radio station to stay informed as the global gameplay develops, directly influenced by the participation of every single player.
Enjoy different types of missions such as story missions, global missions or side-quests.
Explore your personal hide-out and encounter the Gunsmith, Medic, Scientist, Smuggler and Engineer, NPCs who will help you unlock incredible new weapons and gadgets.
Forget easy-to-kill Zombies. Get ready for Kamikaze, Vomitron and other bosses – powerful Zombies with an inventive approach to elimination.
Create and upgrade your own impressive stockpile of weapons.
Find out Dead Trigger 2 on Google Play
Download Dead Trigger 2 for FREE and enter a world where humanity is engaged in the ultimate battle for survival in the face of a global Zombie apocalypse. Find a safe place to hide-out, get equipped, and fight for your life in a real time bid for survival against an onslaught of bloodthirsty undead. Join the Global Resistance and fight to crush the Zombie plague that has positioned the Earth on the edge of peril. It’s up to you to provide humanity with a new chance at survival.
Choose between a touch control scheme created especially for casual players or an enhanced virtual joystick.
Prefer console gaming? Then go ahead and use a fully supported gamepad.
You’ll be dazzled by cutting-edge graphics, including real time water reflections, dynamic vegetation and enhanced ragdolls.
Explore various locations and slaughter the undead in eerie alleyways, abandoned mines or the African desert.
You are not alone.
Take part in the Global Resistance, tune in to radio station to stay informed as the global gameplay develops, directly influenced by the participation of every single player.
Enjoy different types of missions such as story missions, global missions or side-quests.
Explore your personal hide-out and encounter the Gunsmith, Medic, Scientist, Smuggler and Engineer, NPCs who will help you unlock incredible new weapons and gadgets.
Forget easy-to-kill Zombies. Get ready for Kamikaze, Vomitron and other bosses – powerful Zombies with an inventive approach to elimination.
Create and upgrade your own impressive stockpile of weapons.
Find out Dead Trigger 2 on Google Play
Requires Android: 4.0 and up
Download file: 10MB (DEAD TRIGGER 2 APK)
Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013
Kamen Rider Kabuto 08 Subtitle Indonesia
KabutoEpisode 08 "Tofu Yang Marah"
Sinopsis :
Pada episode kali ini merupakan lanjutan dari episode sebelumnya, dimana Kamen Rider TheBee masih penasaran dengan kekalahannya melawan Kamen Rider Kabuto kemarin. Kini Yaguruma mulai mencoba kembali menantang Tendou untuk pertarungan yang terakhir. Setelah melihat Belt Zect, sepertinya Hiyori mulai mengingat-ingat masalalunya yang saat dia masih kecil ditolong oleh anak yang menggunakan Belt Zecter. Siapakah anak itu sebenarnya? Silahkan download gratis di AnimeSubtitleIndonesia (ASI).
Catatan Admin : Silahkan download mumpung linknya banyak. Jika link diatas sudah dead, silahkan konfirmasi ke bagian FAQ dan kami akan berusaha secepatnya untuk memperbaiki.
Sebelum download ucapkan sepatah kata & dukungannya untuk ASI
Lamp of Aladdin v1.0.0 APK
Casual GamesI believe you know about the Aladdin story. Aladdin is one the most fmiliar narratives in all of literature, that is a classic. And now Aladdin available for android games the name is Lamp of Aladdin. This is excellent casual game you must try. Let's download apk file and play the game.
Finding yourself in a real fairy tale is every child's dream - a chance to feel the magic, to command the power of nature or even to perform heroic deeds. Catch a glimpse of a world where dreams come true and fairy tales are real in Lamp of Aladdin, a unique Match 3 game! Revisit the story of Aladdin as he finds a magical lamp that makes his dreams a reality! Insidious traps, wild magic, and a cast of colorful characters await our heroes.
Game Features
-Hilarious characters
-Intricate plot
-Travel to a magical world!
Find out Lamp of Aladdin on Google Play
Download file: 94MB Lamp of Aladdin v1.0.0 APK
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